Quantum systems
The axis "Quantum Systems" is focused on the relevant themes of the European Quantum Flagship, and to participate in the global race to unlock the potential of quantum technologies and bring transformative advances to science, industry and society.
In this axis, we study hybrid systems composed of quantum bricks having complementary functionalities, with the aim of developing multi-task quantum devices capable of simultaneously and reliably storing, processing and transmitting quantum information. Interdisciplinary by nature, this collaborative axis catalyzes novel ideas at the frontier of research that can be utilized for fundamental investigations in quantum mechanics, mesoscopic physics and condensed-matter physics and for a variety of applications such as quantum-limited sensors and transducers, or as quantum buses and memories, or quantum light sources. The LP2N teams involved in this research axis have a recognized expertise in cold atoms physics, nanophotonics, single nano-object spectroscopy.
Current projects involve:
- studies of collective effects on coherently coupled quantum emitters,
- the development of experiments coupling nanomechanical oscillators and a quantum system (single molecule or ultra-cold atoms), of innovative schemes to reach the quantum regime of a nanooscillator and to control and manipulate its quantum states
- study potential overlap between quantum mechanical and gravitational effects, exploiting matter wave in free fall or in controlled parabolic motion in an Einstein elevator recently developed at LP2N;
- expose cold atoms to strong fields and/or control small molecules orientation.
We also wish to reinforce the expertise of the laboratory in quantum optics, quantum information and quantum simulation by attracting PIs developing new activities in quantum technologies;
The axis also hosts the Joint Laboratory iXAtom which brings together the knowledge of the company iXblue, expert in inertial navigation, and the cold atoms in Bordeaux group, specialized in atom interferometry. The goal is to develop the next generation of inertial sensors based on quantum science with an expected improvement of their performance by several orders of magnitude.