Light in Complex Nanostructures
The Light in Complex Nanostructures (acronym COS) group studies the properties of coherent systems involving multiple and strong scattering of light with individual or ensemble of quantum or classical nano-objects or both. We tackle the problem starting from the elementary level (individual nanoresonators), to the microsystem level (nanoresonators possibly dressed by quantum emitters, small nanoresonator assemblies), towards the mesoscopic scale (metasurfaces).
The group would be delighted to successfully support the application of a young researcher for a junior (Chargé de Recherche) CNRS position in January 2025.
The group received significant grants in 2023 & 2024 and is presently offering several postdoc positions:
- Within the ERC Advanced project UNSEEN (2.2 M€), we study disordered metasurfaces to synthesize new visual effects. We try to understand how to design the structures to control their far field appearance attributes, such as specular and diffuse colors, glossiness, transparency, iridescence… More details on the topic can be found in Nature Mater. 21, 1035 (2022) and ACS Nano 17, 6362 (2023). Talented PhD students are also welcome.
- In collaboration with ST-Microelectronics (Grenoble), we develop new numerical electromagnetic techniques and software for analysing large optical metasurfaces. The postdoctoral researcher will develop a freeware based on a method called global polarizability matrix (JOSA A 37,70-83 (2020)) and will validate the numerical simulations by comparing them with real experimental data collected by our partners at ST-Edinburgh.
- For the ANR project WHEEL on Non-Hermitian physics and quasinormal modes, we study the properties of light in time-varying nanoresonators. For an illustrative example of our work, see our freeware published in Computer Physics Communications 284, 108627 in 2023.