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Philippe Lalanne, lauréat d'une ERC Advanced

  • Institut
  • LP2N
  • LP2N

Philippe Lalanne has recently obtained an ERC Advanced grant for his UNSEEN project. ERC Advanced Grants are awarded to outstanding researchers who have already made essential contributions and who propose a pioneering project in their field of research.

Philippe Lalanne is a CNRS research with an expertize in nanoscale electrodynamics. His first works with Pierre Chavel at Orsay focused on optoelectronic machines for implementing neural networks operating by simulated annealing at video rate. After a sabbatical year at the Institute of Optics (Rochester), he started working in the field of diffractive optics. At the Charles Fabry Laboratory in Palaiseau, he then designed the first high-efficiency metasurfaces, gave general rules for designing microcavities with high quality factor and explained the role of plasmons in the extraordinary optical transmissions. At the LP2N, he is currently studying the non-Hermitian dissipative coupling of light with nanoresonators and the properties of disordered optical metasurfaces. From 2018 to 2022, he was director of the GDR Ondes. He received several distinctions. He was associate editor of the journal Optica from 2018 to 2013 and is a fellow of IOP, SPIE and OPTICA.

The UNSEEN project aims to create new visual appearances by considering metasurfaces that don’t exist in nature, for example by exploiting the many degrees of freedom offered by disordered sets of resonant nanoparticles. The project could have spin-offs in many fields such as, for example, coatings for the fine and applied arts. This multidisciplinary project, which will begin in September 2023, requires bringing together skills in complex media, nanophotonics, computer-graphics, electromagnetic modeling and nanofabrication. Several postdoc and PhD positions are available.


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